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Street Paving and Resurfacing

Street paving and resurfacing consists of five main tasks:

  1. Removal of the old surface of the road;
  2. Performing base repairs as needed; 
  3. Applying a leveling course;
  4. Adjusting structures (catch basins, manholes, etc.), fixing damaged curbs;
  5. Applying the wearing course (top course).


This process can take several weeks to complete with as much as two weeks between each task. Following the road work, sidewalks and curbs may be repaired. Only those sidewalks and curb that meet certain criteria will be replaced. To request that a street be evaluated for resurfacing, please contact DPW Street Maintenance (313) 224-0033.


Resurfacing Request Form


2022 Street Paving and Resurfacing Program


District 1


2022 Street Paving D1



District 2


2022 Street Paving D2




District 3


2022 Street Paving D3


District 4


2022 Street Paving D4



District 5


2022 Street Paving D5



District 6


2022 Street Paving D6




District 7


2022 Street Paving D7