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Resident Engagement

The Choice Neighborhoods Transformation Plan was developed with input from both residents of Clement Kern Gardens, through targeted outreach, surveys, and meetings, and the broader Greater Corktown Community, through the Greater Corktown Framework Plan and MI Central Station Community Benefits processes. 

With support from the United Community Housing Coalition and Wayne State University, the City engaged residents of Clement Kern Gardens through five surveys (completed via phone, in-person, by mail, and online) with over 60% participation and 7 meetings (in-person and virtual), including the socially-distanced outdoor events. 

This process highlighted several resident needs that are addressed by the City's application. To respond to these needs, the City has established partnerships and programs for the Choice Neighborhoods Transformation Plan that will in part: 

  • Provide residents exercise activities near their homes 
  • Increase access to healthy and nutritious food
  • Prepare young children for kindergarten 
  • Provide school-age children with access to academic resources and extracurricular activities, both in STEM and the arts 
  • Ensure all residents have health insurance and access to primary care providers
  • Connect residents to job training and employment opportunities 

The City's Choice Neighborhoods application has been guided by the Greater Corktown Neighborhood Framework Plan, which was created through a planning process that has engaged more than 400 residents and community members at over 30 community meetings to date. Developed by the City's Planning and Development Department, the plan aims to ensure inclusive growth in Corktown while preserving the community's unique character, cultural heritage, and diversity. To view past project newsletters, workshop summaries, and additional materials for the Greater Corktown Framework Plan, visit



Claudia Sanford 
Director, Housing Placement and Tenant Organizing
(313) 570-0992
[email protected] 

Meg Marotte
Tenant Organizer
[email protected]  
(313) 261-4709

Pablo Marcos
Tenant Organizer
[email protected] 
(313) 572-1401