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Proposal N Demolition

The Office of Contracting & Procurement facilitates a Request for Quotations and Qualifications (RFQQ) through which suppliers can demonstrate their credentials for conducting demolition and/or trashout (property cleaning). Suppliers pre-qualified through the RFQQ process then receive contracts to handle parcels based on their staffing and equipment capacity. To respond to the RFQQ, suppliers must register in Oracle and then request access to the RFQQ questionnaire. Once access is granted, the questionnaire can be completed in the Supplier Portal.


It is important to note that local participation is at the heart of Proposal N demolition. 30% of the Proposal N awards are set aside for Detroit-certified businesses. To learn more about set-asides, please see our Opportunities for Local Businesses page. Furthermore, Executive Order 2021-02 lays out specific targets for the residency of suppliers’ workforces for demolition/rehabilitation projects like Proposal N.


To learn more about the contracts that the City has already awarded for Proposal N, please visit the City’s Open Data Portal and filter using the search term “Prop N” or “Proposal N.”


Take Part ➪ Current Bid Opportunities

Checklist for participating in Proposal N demolition:


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