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Standard Specification for DWSD Projects

Standard Specifications

The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) Standard Specifications are the detailed engineering specifications used in project documents as a standard by which all water main and sewer improvement projects are developed. Typical contract documents will include EJCDC (for bidding requirements, contract forms, conditions, etc.); Standard Specifications (for engineering specifications applicable to the type of work, e.g. water main, and sewer improvements, concrete, finishes, etc.); Contract Drawings (with the details of the design); and Standard Details (for frequently utilized details such as manholes, soil erosion control, fencing, etc.).  The standard specifications are the basic requirements governing the material, equipment and methods used in construction contracts administered by DWSD. This revision of the standard specifications was issued in 2021.


Rodney Burlett
DWSD Engineering
[email protected]