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City Council President, District 5

Council President Mary Sheffield
Mary Sheffield

Mary Sheffield serves as the Detroit City Councilperson for District 5. Sheffield’s demonstrated track record of service and leadership within the community helped her to become the youngest person to ever be elected to the Detroit City Council in November 2013.



City Council President
City Council Pro Tem

Council Member Bio

Mary Sheffield is a native Detroiter with a demonstrated track record of service and empowerment. leadership in our community. Currently serving as the City Council President, Mary Sheffield is a shining beacon of hope in Detroit. As a dedicated public servant, community advocate, and trailblazer, Mary has earned widespread admiration for her unwavering commitment to uplifting her constituents and fostering positive change. Mary’s deep-rooted passion for her hometown fuels her tireless efforts to make a difference. Her journey in public service began with a steadfast dedication to grassroots activism, where she championed causes close to her heart, from social justice to economic empowerment.

Mary is privileged to stand on the shoulders of civil rights giants like her grandfather, Horace Sheffield Jr., founder of the Detroit Trade Union Labor Council (TULC) and the Detroit Association of Black Organizations (DABO). Her father, the Rev. Horace Sheffield, III, through his social justice advocacy, organizing and ministry has also helped mold her into the leader she has become today. Mary was also heavily influenced by her beloved mother, Yvonne Lovett, who as a nurse taught her about the importance of service to humanity.

In November of 2013, Mary embarked on her journey of service and made history by becoming the youngest person ever elected to the Detroit City Council at the age of 26. Elected to serve in District 5, Mary was appointed as Chair of the Neighborhood and Community Services Standing Committee and has served as a member of the Planning and Economic Development and Budget Finance and Audit Standing Committees. She also has been appointed to serve as a board member for the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), and the General Retirement System Pension Board. In January of 2022, Mary Sheffield made history again becoming the youngest person ever to be elected as Council President.

During her tenure, Mary has had one of the most storied and historic legislative careers in the history of the Detroit City Council. Among her sponsored and passed legislation, resolutions and programs are the Inclusionary Housing, Property Tax Reform, Community Input Over Government Surveillance (CIOGS), Home Repair Grant Funding, Industry Standards Board, Neighborhood Improvement Fund, Neighborhood Beautification Program, Homeowner Property Tax Exemption (HOPE), Right to Counsel, and Responsible Contracting, to name a few.

In addition to honorably discharging her duties as a legislator, Mary has been very intentional about taking government to the people and meeting them where they are in the neighborhoods. These efforts include her critically acclaimed monthly “Conversations with the Councilwoman” series, annual State of the Youth symposiums, and flagship event Occupy the Corner – Detroit which has been in collaboration with celebrities including Big Sean, Kierra Sheard, Michigan Supreme Court Justice Kyra Harris Bolden, Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist, Skilla Baby, Icewear Vezzo, Jezzy, and Mike Epps. She has also established several other programs and initiatives such as: the Neighborhood Angels Program, Homelessness and Affordable Housing Taskforce and the Detroit Reparations Taskforce, and the Detroit Girls of Destiny mentoring program.

Mary Sheffield has been honored and recognized for her work over the years. Some of the awards include Crain’s 20 in their 20’s and 40 Under 40, Michigan Chronicle’s 2022 Women of Excellence and 2024 Power 50 Leaders, NAACP Great Expectations Award, the Black United Fund’s 2024 Black Excellence Award, the 2023 JoAnn Watson Soul Day Soul Sister Award, and the 2021 Maryann Mahaffey/Erma Henderson Elected Official of the Year Award.

Mary Sheffield’s visionary leadership and collaborative spirit have helped shape policies that promote inclusivity, equity, and opportunity for all Detroiters. With a keen focus on revitalizing neighborhoods, creating economic opportunities, and ensuring access to essential services, Mary has become a beacon of hope for residents across the city. Her impact resonates far and wide through her community engagement initiatives and boots-on-the-ground approach to service. Whether spearheading youth mentorship programs, advocating for affordable housing, or championing social issues, she remains steadfast in her mission to build a brighter future for Detroit. Led by her faith and driven by her passion for people and justice, Council President Mary Sheffield has accepted her calling to be an active participant in Detroit’s Renaissance - lending her voice and expertise to ensuring the City’s resurgence is inclusive and equitable.