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Bieniek Park
This park was dedicated to the memory of Vincent Bieniek, a neighborhood young man who lost his life during World War II. Bieniek Park is a 29.3 acre community park in northwest Detroit. Bieniek features an actively used flexible sport field and beautiful natural areas. Renewal is the buzzword at Kirkwood, Martin and Braden in District 6. The City of Detroit Parks and Recreation Division (DPRD) recently received funding for improvements at Bieniek Park. This summer DPRD will be conducting community engagement to hear what amenities would best serve local residents and families.
After a survey and several community meetings (presentations available below), community consensus was achieved and resulted in the following park design to be under construction in early spring of 2023.
Site Plan for 2023 Bieniek Park Improvements:
New amenities include a walking loop, playground, picnic areas, multi-sport court and soccer field.
For more information:
Past presentations:
Juliana Fulton - Deputy Chief Parks Planner
John DeRuiter - Landscape Architect