For current info please visit
Please join us as we discuss the new Paid Parental Leave Policy
For current info please visit
We hire and train city employees to better serve you.
The Human Resources (HR) Department connects Detroiters to a variety of jobs, training programs and opportunities that are available throughout the city. The Human Resources (HR) Department ensures that the 9,000 employees and job applicants of the City of Detroit are treated fairly on the basis of race, religion, color, age, gender, national origin, disability or other criteria prohibited by City, State or Federal Law.
Human Resources consists of the following divisions:
Please join us as we discuss the new Paid Parental Leave Policy
Resource Guide for New Employees of the City of Detroit
Information on Remote Work
General Information Paid Parental Leave
DPD information about Paid Parental Leave
Information on Paid Parental Leave
FAQs about PowerDMS
Core Values
Forms for city of Detroit new hires to complete
The Human Resources Department, Employee Services Division is committed to providing continued service to all City of Detroit staff and visitors. However due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, access to Employee Services will be modified by limiting (as much as possible) all face-to-face contact with our customers.
Information and resources regarding Unemployment (UIA).
City of Detroit Employees Form and FAQs about the Forms
City Employee Information on benefits
Information about how to apply for a job with the city of Detroit
Workplace Policies for the City of Detroit Employees